(#)  Robot Trust for Symbiotic Societies (RTSS) at [ICRA](https://2024.ieee-icra.org/) 2024          ![ ](./assets/banner2.png width="480px" align=left)   [Home](index.html)  [Speakers](speakers.html)  [Program](program.html)  [Call for Papers](call.html)  [Accepted Papers](papers.html)  [Organizers](organizers.html) **Date:** Monday, 13th May 2024
**Time:** 9:00-12:30 (JST)
**Discord channel:** [https://discord.gg/zGG2h5n7](https://discord.gg/zGG2h5n7) This workshop will address the challenges of forming trust between humans and their artificial counterparts, e.g., humanoid robots. Establishing trust between heterogeneous interaction partners (human-robot and robot-robot) is a prerequisite for building a symbiotic society where robots and humans jointly participate safely and productively. Robots interacting autonomously with humans continuously raise new challenges regarding forming trust, as evidenced by giving much attention in the literature, especially in human-robot interaction. In this workshop, we would like to collate this existing knowledge while also focusing on how to transfer it to robots. In the first edition of our workshop at IEEE IROS 2022, we leveraged multidisciplinary insights to lay the foundations of trust for interactive robots to assess the trustworthiness of their human and artificial interaction partners. In this edition of the workshop, we include the role of adaptive behaviors in trust formation from the human's and robot's perspectives. With this approach, we envision interactive robots rapidly adapting to changing circumstances. While humans are proficient at this adaptivity, transferring the same capabilities to robots remains challenging. We want to discuss the implications of limited robot adaptivity on human trust and the potential benefits of adaptive behavior during robot trust formation. As such, with the proposed workshop we aim to enable participants to discuss and expand their frontiers in the following research themes/questions. + What are the ethical frameworks for human-robot and robot-robot interactions? + What are the system, cognitive, design, and physical requirements for robot trust to ensure reciprocal trust between humans and robots? + What are the deployment areas of trustworthy robots in social settings? + What are the implications of robots that autonomously change their behavior (i.e., adapt) on their trustworthiness? + What are legal states for robots with trustworthy minds to humans? + What are the new standards to deploy (trustworthy) robots into society? **RTSS Workshop Contributing Institutes** + [Adaptive Systems Group, Humboldt University of Berlin](https://adapt.informatik.hu-berlin.de/index.html) + [Department of Cognitive Science and Artificial Intelligence, Tilburg University](https://www.tilburguniversity.edu/about/schools/tshd/departments/dca) + [Symbiotic Intelligent Systems Research Center, (SISReC), Osaka University](https://sisrec.otri.osaka-u.ac.jp/en/)